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Hoop tractor

The 15 hens (5 EE, 3 ISA BROWN, 3 RED CROSS, and 4 RIR) are going on 16 weeks old and haven't started laying yet.
I put the slant roofed 4 hole nest box in a week ago and just opened the box this week with shavings and a ceramic egg in each box. When we got the chicks the last week of May at our local FAMILY FARM & HOME they said it would probably be 18 to 20 weeks before the girls started laying, so we are looking forward to getting a dozen eggs a day.

 I have finally gotten around to posting my latest pics of the "finished" insulated hoop coop and deerfenced outside run.
I am not sure what happened to the text that went along with the initial posting of photos, or how to sort the new photos in chronological  order showing the evolving build of my "simple" tractor turned coop.

the girls enjoying the new insulated home (before they discovered how much they like to peck and eat foam!)
early on in framing and construction phase

completed hen tractor with tarps and electric fence and charge controller, before removable wheels were added

coop placed on new concrete pad

coop with 4 - 4'x8' sheets of eps foam board installed and taped

rear wall insulated with 2" pink extruded polystyrene foam board

cattle panel, insulated, concrete floored hoop house for 15 hens

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